Thursday, April 15, 2004

This is a scattered day - in a scattered week - thus a scattered post. Streams of consciousness. Try to keep up.

Men. I'm starting to think I really do understand women more. No, wait - let's get this qualified. Gay Men. That's better. Straight Men I understand. Alpha Male. Penis. Must procreate. Got that. But Gay Men. Why is that not as easy?

Taxes. Grrrrrrrrrr. Which brings us to marriage. Which brings us to my date this weekend. Well not really a date, but I am meeting someone new. This time I decided to stop being my charming self and be extremely self-deprecating. The result, I am sure, will still be a shock -but maybe in a good way. Yeah right.

School. Yeah guess I haven't mentioned that. I am a college student in addition to being a full time employee. Final Exam Part 1 next week. Why the hell am I going out with someone this weekend instead of studying? I am still truly 19 in some ways.

Beauty. Those of you on the East Coast (MidAtlantic at least) can appreciate talk of the spring Monsoon season. I had truly thought that if it rained one more day I would scream. But I just happened to be driving somewhere last evening and noticed the rush of an extremely swollen stream as I was going over a bridge. The rushing water was amazing. The energy was just incredible. Then today - at last - sunshine. Spring. Dandelions. Life is good.