Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh no you di'in't

We interrupt our normally scheduled slightly humorous and self-absorbed post, to bring you a public service announcement.

You see, a number of my fellow bloggers are going through some rough times right now, and I was working on something humorous to lighten the blogosphere (Shuttup, it's a word. Because I said so that's why!). But then I received an email from a "fan". What sort of email, you ask? Let's just say it was not a "I love you Joey" type email. Nope, this person was berating me for going on and on about BF, and my wonderful life.

My first thought of course was, "Jesus Christ, would you rather read the entries from my private journal where I almost committed suicide last year after Kirk was killed?". Okay, I thought not.

So yes, right now things are going well here in Joeyland. It wasn't always the case. And it may not be in the future. But that's just the way it is. But make no mistake. I still have debt, car payments, a mortgage, and I do live damn near paycheck to paycheck. But yes, there are blessings in my life. A good job, a man who seems to adore me (and I don't understand why), and my own house. What you don't really know is the struggle to get myself to this point. Maybe I'll share it someday. But for now, no.

So to my friends who are having problems, I am here. I'll help if I can.

And to the anonymous "fan", write what you want on your own damn blog, and don't read mine if it bothers you so much. Oh, and, I like the pictures I post. Get over it!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled humorous post.

Hear about the new gay sitcom?
"Leave it, it's Beaver."

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Taking The Fall

Okay. It is very very hard to do this but, I admit it. It's Fall.

It was in the upper 40s last night, and the highs this weekend won't even get into the 70s (For people using the Celsius system - I have no clue what that translates into).

Fall this year is a little easier to deal with. Last year, well in addition to the season change I was dealing with a death. And I don't remember it being this cold this early last year. But then again I was pretty numb through the whole ordeal.

So last night, because of the colder temperatures I actually wore a t-shirt and underwear to bed. No more sleeping au naturelle for the year (Oh, I guess that was a TMI). At least not on nights when I am by myself.

It's no secret that I HATE cold weather. I am a summer boy, and will always be one. And when Fall comes a summer boy's fancy turns to nesting. Yes, you heard me correctly, nesting. I'm giving serious consideration into having BF move in. Well maybe at least sleep here more nights a week. I mean, come on, it's a win-win situation. I get to snuggle up to a warm guy, and he gets more bumpity-bumpity.

You know, maybe this Fall thing isn't so bad after all.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Handling it

Even though we don't live together, nor do we spend every day or evening together, BF and I have become an old married couple. We spend weekend evenings at home (usually my place), reading books, watching movies, ordering in pizza, etc...

No, it's true. Our relationship has progressed to the point where joy for us is in simple thought-provoking in-depth conversation.

Let me give you a sample of a conversation from just last evening as we lay on the couch together in front of the TV:

BF: Can I ask you a question?
Me: Of course Babe.
BF: Well...I was just...wondering something.
Me: Yes...
BF: I was just wondering...
Me: Honey, what is it?
BF: Well I have been noticing a little habit of yours, and well...
Me: Yes...
BF: Well, why do you always have your hand on your penis?
Me: Excuse me?
BF: No it's true.
Me: I have no idea what you are talking about.
BF: Whenever you are home, whenever we are just sitting around, you always have your hand on your penis.
Me: That is so not true. I don't have my hand on my penis right now.
BF: That's because you have your hand on my penis.
Me: Oh. I guess I do. Well from now on I will just touch your penis and not mine.
BF: That's not what I meant at all. I was just
Me: Shut up and kiss me.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Moving along

Originally uploaded by joeydestino.
I've given this a lot of thought. I truly feel it is time to move on. There's a number of reasons. Blogger has been down a lot lately. Blogrolling is constantly down. It's been very frustrating trying to eek out the few missives that I do every week.

So it's time to give it up.

Oh, I'm still going to be blogging. But I think it's time to move on to my own server.

So to my fellow bloggers, what do you recommend? Which webhost (think cheap, I don't have a sugar daddy!). Which blogging software? And is there a decent alternative to

Please let me know either through comments - or you can email me direct. joeydestino at yahoo dot com.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Mind if I come....

Sunday afternoon. Phone rings...

Me: "Hello."

HSNB: "Hey Joey, whatcha doin?"

Me: "Laying on the couch, watching football."

HSNB: "Cool!, Mind if I come over and watch it with you?"

Me: "Well, I'm kind of ummm, naked."

HSNB: After a very brief pause, clearing his throat... "I could bring some beer over."

Me: "BF is on the couch with me."

HSNB: "Oh. Uh. Well, uh. Well call me when you get up. I mean, uh, uh."

Me: "I'll call you later."

HSNB: "Uh, sure." click

BF: Laughing, after relating the part of the conversation he didn't hear... "I'm surprised you didn't just tell him to come."

Me: Crying from laughing so hard... "Something tells me he will. But not here".

Friday, September 16, 2005

Going Down......Under

I guess it was the sound of movement in the room that stirred me. Then I felt a hand brush through my hair. In that moment of just-awakening-semi-conciousness I had the most terrifying thought...I don't know where I am.

My eyes slowly opened, to the sight of him standing next to my bed. Wait, this isn't my bed. And who is this guy?

"Morning. I thought you might like some coffee," he said through his amazingly bright - at least for that time of the day - perfect teeth with a heart-melting Australian accent. Are my eyes still fuzzy, or is he naked? Oh wait. Yep. I'm naked.

"Thanks," I said while attempting to at least sit up. Oh. My. God. I know where I am. I know who he is. Holy Mother of Disco. I slept with DAN!!!

As he handed me the coffee, he leaned in and kissed me, a quick little kiss. Oh please don't let me spill the coffee.

The first time I ever saw Dan was my first time on the beach here at the shore house. Dan was the lifeguard. I truly remember sitting there everyday with my friends discussing all of the ways I could possibly fake drowning. If you had seen him, you would understand why swallowing a wee bit of sea water was worth it! The boy was hot. Lifeguard hot. "I swear I am going to spend my life at the gym to look like that" hot. Australian lifeguard hot. My days were spent drooling all over the white sand. And plotting how to drown without actually drowning.

One night my housemates and I went out to a local place for some libations and gyrations (as we call it). The place was packed and the huge bar was seven-people-deep to even get a drink. It was decided that I should be the one to push my way through and get us all refills, since I was the tallest (logic in my group of friends is a whole other story). I was about 3 people away when I noticed who the bartender was. My hands started to shake. My knees felt like they were going to give way, and of course when I got to the bar, I could barely utter anything. Dan. In front of me. Leaning in to me. Smiling. Perfect teeth. "What can I get ya," spoken in a beautiful accent. Hot.

I finally ordered the drinks in whatever language and combination of words that came out of my mouth. When he brought them, I tried to put the money in his hand (because by that time I figured this may well be my only chance to ever touch him). He pushed the money back into my hand, closing it, and wrapping his hand around mine and holding it for an all too brief lifetime. He was grinning as he said, "On me". He had no idea how much I wished that was true.

The weeks flew by as I stalked him spent days on the beach, and nights at the bar. And well, you already know where this tale leads itself. After getting to know him, and finding out there was interest on his part as well (Naive Joey, remember?), we started to spend a lot of time together. And there were more nights like the one at the beginning of this story. Lots more - he said grinning. But at the end of summer he had to return to Australia. We still write. He has a great guy in his life, and so do I. But some summer days, when I am on that beach, and I look up at that lifeguard chair, I wonder where life would have led me if he had not gone back.

Monday, September 12, 2005

A stroll

She tapped me lightly on the shoulder and said, "Walk with me, Mr. Cusack".

"Of course," I replied. "Water side or beach?"

"Beach. I know how much you love the surf."

"That's very kind of you."

"The air is a bit cooler, had you noticed?" she asked.

Letting out a huge sigh, the question was answered.

"I won't be seeing you again, this year. I'll be moving on to a warmer clime. But I know you will be here when I return." she said.

"Absolutely, Miss Novak. I can't imagine anything else really. There's no place I love as much."

Gripping my hand she said "You take very good care of that young man of yours. I like him very much. As they say, he is a very old soul. Much like you."

"Well I am rather smitten by him," I said grinning.

She stopped, looking over the waves toward the horizon. It was almost as if there was something there, very distant, calling to her. "Love is very fleeting. Guard it well. Nurture it through the cold months and tend it as you would the fire in your fireplace. It is all the warmth you will need to get you through."

"Miss Novak, is there someone..."

She stopped me from finishing.

"That Mr. Cusack, is a tale for another summer."